
目前显示的是 十月, 2020的博文

How to use capillary tube mat in strawberry planting

How to use capillary tube mat in strawberry planting   www.bellaut.cn ,    www.bellauta.com   whatsapp/wechat:+8613802124431 How to use capillary tube mat in strawberry planting Capillary tube mat solves the biggest problem of off-season planting in winter - indoor temperature, soil temperature and air humidity In winter, the greenhouse temperature is generally increased by burning stoves or other heating methods. These heating methods only raise the temperature of the air and the surface of the ground, but it is difficult to raise the temperature of the root system of plants. Like a warm house, but in a cold bed, uncomfortable, plants and people are the same. Previous traditional heating methods were either too costly, too short-lived, or the ambient temperature was uneven. The capillary tube mat has large heat dissipation area, uniform heat dissipation, and low temperature heating does not harm the plant roots, thus solving the problem that the greenhouses in cold areas cannot g